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Martes 22 de Octubre de 2024
+56 32 221 8669
+56 9 9438 3894
+56 9 9258 6147

"Sustainable Policy


Valpoviña Turismo understands sustainable development to a process of Humanity growth with a focus on care and protection of the environment in a nutshell is to CONSERVE, PROTECT AND CARE what we have today for future generations

Our company grows, but does it with the community in which it operates or devastating its environment? Is it honest, ethical, honest, pursuing justice and the common good? Does it constitute monopolies or builds a better Chile ?, the concern for the environment is increasingly growing at national and global level.

In this way, Sustainability has become for Valpoviña Turismo a central theme in our model of development and decisive for the future, today it attracts the growing interest of all the national companies and against which it is verified the existence of new agreements in different aspects.

Valpoviña Turismo, specifying its environmental policy acquires an important commitment to the environment, showing progress and achievements very remarkable in this area, all this knowing that environmental policy is permanently and collectively perfectible.

Our goal is to advance in the search for a broad national consensus on sustainable development, which requires the participation of all sectors of the country.

As a company, and even though this is an argument of great consistency and weight, we have gone a little further, so we want to emphasize that many of the measures that are presented will achieve an important positive result in the accounts of our society.

To this end, Valpoviña Turismo presents its Environmental Policy, sets the environmental goals to 2017 and makes an invitation to all the collaborators that compose the tourism sector in the national challenge that means achieving a sustainable development for the country. We are sure that this Environmental Policy, whose objective is to promote the environmental sustainability of the development process, contributes to the improvement of the quality of life of all Chileans and to the welfare of future generations of the country and the planet. We invite everyone to join this great national challenge.

Commitment to Sustainability

 The commitments to which the company seeks to reduce environmental impact and carbon footprint are presented below. Achieving to be a sustainable company that is friendly with the environment.

1.- Respect the environment as a primary objective. Achieve Fostering reuse, recycling and waste management in an environmentally friendly way. Separating waste at source. This way we can manage them properly and even give them value by incorporating them into the bag of by-products.

2.- Raise awareness and properly train the employees of Valpoviña Turismo, through courses and training programs related to the improvement of quality and the environment.

3.- Consume in our company the minimum energy and always the cleanest.

4.- Minimizing the consumption of water.

5.- Digitalization of most of the company's processes in order to recycle and reuse the paper.

6.- Controlling the spills.

7.- Using non-aggressive products with the Environment. We will count infinitely less if the cleaning products used for our installations are less aggressive and contain less harmful elements.

8.- Transportation carried out with vehicles at an adequate speed, in addition to our safety, we must bear in mind that to overcome certain speeds carries a degree of contamination that can be reduced up to 40% if certain established limits are not exceeded.

9.- To make our suppliers, subcontractors, employees, customers and the rest of society part of our Sustainable Management System, making them participants in it, trying to make our suppliers respectful to the Environment, and that these be taken into account the time of the choice of products or services.

10.-Provide our clients with information related to our principles on Sustainable Development and the management we carry out to preserve the local environment and culture.

11.- Evaluate and periodically update our objectives and goals, as well as review, modify and adapt our Management System to the reality of the destination.

12.- Valpoviña tourism adheres to the principles of fair trade and we commit ourselves to fulfill them.

13. We are committed to the prevention of the exploitation of human beings in all its forms, especially sexual, and in particular when it can affect minors. We categorically reject Child Labor and Forced Labor.

Dirección / Address / Endereço

Calle El Bosque 1272, Alto Verde, Placilla, Valparaíso, Chile - Teléfono oficina: +56 32 221 8669
English language 24 hours emergency mobil phone +56 9 9258 6147

Idioma español 24 horas emergencias teléfono celular + 56 9 9438 3894
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